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People Who Love Music Love Popplet

From time immemorial the People Of The World have been been Lost In Music. Be it the primal powerful drumming of our ancestors or the sophisticated orchestral opus, music has the power to cross every cultural, linguistic and geographical divide.  

Considering the immeasurable impact music has on our lives, a closer inspection of Popplet’s special relationship with music lovers everywhere was long overdue. So we went On The Road Again, travelled Up The Country and tried to Break on Through… and we had a great time doing it!…but what did we learn? Well, what we discovered is that Everyday People who love music, love using Popplet. Here are some of your Greatest Hits.

Music on the Stage and in the Movies: You’re The One That I Want

Feast your eyes on this magnificent Musical Mind Map created by Popplet user Ana:

What Ana has given us is a complete graphic and interactive record of all the most important and popular musicals from the 1930s to the present day, including theatre, cinema and TV productions. Awesome! This organic musical timeline, organized using colors and connections, even contains music videos of almost all of the musicals featured just in case there are those among us who might want to sing a long – we recommend Greece, the 1978 movie: “You’re the one that I want (you are the one I want)..ooh, ooh, ooh!”

Material Girls: Mujeres en la música
Individual efforts in music are well worthy of attention, and in this impressive Popplet from Victor, some of the great Women Of Music (Mujeres en la música) are celebrated:

Interesting and compelling, this popplet contains images and profiles of some of the most influential women of music throughout the years: singers, songwriters and composers. From early 19th century composer Clara Schuman, to modern Pop Goddess Madonna (we are not worthy!).  What’s more, if you want to check out the phenomenal talents of these artists, then just click on the video, and Vogue! Or, take a load of with Ms Schuman’s wonderfully relaxing compositions.

Hit Me With Music

According to Legend Bob Marley, “One good thing about music is, when it hits you feel no pain”. Reggae, Rock, Jazz, Samba…all are nourishment for the soul. However, we do love to name things – we’d hardly be human if we didn’t – and differentiating between the many, many different types and styles of music and what we think of them, is the fuel of many a discussion on music. The complicated labyrinth of likes and dislikes and personal opinions can be safely navigated and reproduced using Popplet, as Clara capably demonstrates in her cleverly titled Popplet creation: “Classes de Música” (Music Classes):

With reassuring simplicity, many of the most influential musical movements of modern times are listed. For the more curious, Clara has added Wikipedia links and for those whose prefer to do their investigating the audiovisual way, there are quality, well selected videos.

Rocking All Over The World: The Music of Different Places
“Sitios representativos de la música” ( Places represented by music), created by Fabio is a musical popplet that contains “places immortalised by their music”. Take Jamaica for example, is it possible to think about Jamaica and not think about Reggae?

The same is true of many other places and Jamaica is not alone in having a uniquely influential style of music. There’s the hotly disputed history of the Tango from the diplomatically labelled countries of the Rio de La Plata (Argentina and Uruguay), and Woodstock: as much an unforgettable moment in time as a place. Fabio’s popplet is a fascinating geographical and temporal journey through popular music, where each history is matched with an equally compelling image. Simple, attractive and informative.

For Those About To Rock
There are those among us for whom one style of music will always be Simply the Best. If that is the case, then Popplet will gladly lend its many qualities to indulge your particular musical obsession, as in this splendid Heavy Metal Popplet from the blog of Isaac, Gerard, Enric and Alex:

With Iron Maiden proudly – and obviously – taking center Popplet stage, and more classic greats such as Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple having to make do with supporting spots, this Popplet is a sure conversation starter among Heavy Metal aficionados. Make up your own mind by listening to these Giants of Rock by watching the videos that the boys have uploaded of their heroes. Rock on!

Simply The Best

Not the immortal Tina Turner classic, but the amazing series of Popplets contained in this Herri Musika (History of Music) blog, by Basque music enthusiast – and historian! – Alex.

From the 1950s to the present day, Alex has collated a decade by decade account of the most influential musicians and performers of recent times. Each decade is captured on a separate Popplet. They are all remarkable. Our favourite, in aesthetic terms has to be the 1970s popplet shown above. However, the one we had the most fun with is this Popplet chronicling the popular music of the 1960s:

So the show is over, and it’s time to go, but by way of an encore, we’ll leave you with this. So important is music to our species that a historic and multicultural sample of our output – humanity’s finest compilation album  –  is currently boldly going where no human has gone before, transported by deep space probes  Voyagers I and II, hooked up and ready to start broadcasting the best that homo sapiens have to offer as soon as these recordings encounter intelligent alien life. What will far flung inhabitants of the galaxy make of the incredible Chuck Berry?

How are you using Popplet in your musical life? Share your experiences with us, and our community on Twitter and on our Facebook page.