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Top of the Popplets! – October 2015

Welcome to the new and improved Popplet of the Month – now auspiciously renamed: Top of the Popplets!  At your bequest, we have made a few changes, and now in addition to popplets from our Public Popplets’ section, you can also view the best popplets from absolutely anywhere – welcome, to Popplet without borders.

As usual, fearless in our efforts, we have scoured the four corners of the earth in the quest to bring you the very best Popplet has to offer. Enjoy!

Consumer Profile for Varshak Varma

We know a lot about Varshak Varma from Mississagua, Ontario, Canada. He is16 years old, he loves to use his phone and he is a “cool dude”, who happens to make pretty cool popplets as you can see. Varshaks colorful Profile Popplet boasts excellent visuals, and shows the sheer volume of information that can be pleasantly presented on a single, simple Popplet board. Highly adaptable, this type of layout is good for introductions and ice breakers in new groups, and for profiling historical or fictional characters from books and films. A worthy candidate for Top of the Popplets! Thank you Varshak!

POPPLET TIP: Make it personal! When creating biographical/profile popplets, upload real photos of yourself if you can…let the world know who you are!

Rachel’s Vocabulary Popplet

Rachel's Vocab Popplet


Simple and effective – that’s what we like here at Popplet, and we find that the most popular popplet ideas are precisely that. Take Rachel’s Vocabulary Popplet for example: Word, Example, Definition and clever use of a snap of the Dictionary Definition from an actual dictionary. Top marks for efficiency and cleverness. Thank you Rachel!

POPPLET TIP: Use visuals and make connections! When learning a word (or anything!) connecting it to a visual reference increases your chances of remembering it.

Lack of Water – Effects

Lack of Water – Effects

How about this environmentally friendly, impactful Popplet from Jessica’s Science Blog: monochrome, direct and succinct. It draws us in and tells it how it is. An important global issue demanding attention all in a single popplet. Outstanding! Well done Jessica!

POPPLET TIP: Add video! Easily upload videos from Vimeo and Youtube to your work using Popplet’s video upload features. Give people the space to learn more!

Aspecto Físico de los Continentes

The whole world in one Popplet! – a truly remarkable achievement by Juana M Santana, a history teacher from the Canary Islands. This geographical and ecological extravaganza contains interesting information and absorbing videos with cool relaxing music – all that you need to indulge in thoughtful relaxing contemplation of the planet we live on. Thank you Juana!

POPPLET TIP: Use color! Separate ideas, and contrast information with different colored Popplets.

What do you think? Is Varshak’s “Consumer Profile” popplet cool enough? Are you blown away by Rachel’s clever “Vocabulary Popplet”? Does Jessica’s presentation: “Lack of Water – Effects” make an impact? Or, are you inspired by Juana’s “Aspectos Físicos de los Continentes”? You decide!

Enjoy more fine examples of Popplet work on Public Popplets. Cast your vote and share with us, and our community on Twitter and on our Facebook page.