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Public Popplets: Creative, Inspiring, Useful

Public Popplets is a deep, rich well of Popplet creativity.  It’s where the Popplet community share their hard work with others with around one-hundred and twenty new popplets being added every day. Some are humble seeds – the beginnings of a project or an idea, whereas others are already impressive visual examples of everything that can be achieved with this intuitive but powerful mind mapping tool.

There are numerous reasons why one should go exploring in the dense creativity that is Public Popplets:

  • Inspiration! Searching for ideas and don’t know where to begin? – search in Public Popplets, you will find what you are looking for!
  • You know what you want to do, but it’s always helpful to take a look at how others are doing it – you’ll find many examples of almost everything in Public Popplets.
  • Looking for a Popplet on a particular subject for a project, homework assignment, web post…everything in Public Popplets is open, and can be republished.*
  • Some Popplets are very popular and attract a great deal of attention – celebrity popplets if you like – and as such can drive traffic to your website or blog page. If you are the creator of such a Popplet, then all the better.
  • Most of the Popplets are in Spanish and English, but a more thorough search will reveal work in multiple languages – Public Popplets really is a truly international affair, a cultural meeting of minds.

How can you access Public Popplets? – by signing up for a free Popplet account on the Popplet homepage. Not only will you be able to browse Public Popplets, you’ll also receive ten Popplet Boards for when you want to create your own Popplet work – this time will definitely come! Of course, you don’t need to share your popplets with the world, Popplet’s multi-level privacy settings allow popplet authors to decide who sees their work. In saying that, we hope you do share publicly because as you are about to see, you will be in grand company.

How To Navigate Public Popplets

What might be considered Public Popplets greatest drawback – a limited search facility – is actually one of its greatest advantages. Currently, there are two ways to search Public Popplets: the most recent and most popular tabs. Both are located in the public popplets tab in your Popplet home page:

There are twenty popplets per page, and change pages by clicking on the red page numbers in the bottom right-hand corner, or next. Now, this type of search might seem a little slow, but trust us, it’s the scenic route, and the sheer ingenuity and quality of Popplet work to be witnessed will make it all worthwhile.

We took a stroll through Public Popplets just the other day, and we thought we’d share with you a small sample of what we found.

When Lincoln Was A Boy (a visual storybook) – Reading and Writing 

A short tale is brought vividly to life by Sameeha in her visual storybook. Popplet allows the instant addition of text, images, and video. A little arranging, and a dash of color and well…the results speak for themselves. Popplet is a favorite in the literacy classroom allowing learners to study character and plot or to plan writing projects.

Andra Världskriget 1939-1945 (The Second World War) – Timelines

The most popular public popplet at the time of writing is this historical WWII timeline by Tülay, from Sweden. Maybe it received more clicks because you really do have to click on it to see it properly! More likely though, it’s popularity is due to it being an excellent example of how historically significant events can be visualized and presented using Popplet. Timelines are another thing Popplet is good at.

Los Mejores Porteros (The Best Goalkeepers) – Interests and Hobbies

Popplet is fun, and you can make a Popplet about anything you want. Visente shared this soccer popplet, complete with photos of who he thinks the world’s best goalkeepers are: Real Madrid, Manchester United, Barcelona, Manchester City, Bayern Munich, and Juventus. Sounds about right to us Visente!

Mercury and Venus – Comparing and Contrasting

Astronomical phenomena are a common sight in Public Popplets. Popplets powerful but simple features make it pretty near perfect for exploring the planets, and beyond. Comparing and contrasting, as Elizabeth has done with the planets Mercury and Venus, is also easily achievable on a single Popplet board, making Popplet especially popular with educators of all subjects.

Food Is Indispensable – Professional Presentations

Yes, it is, and we know you know that – or at least we hope you know that! Such a remarkably obvious title demanded we take a look at this popplet by Saanvi. What we found was a well-researched, well-considered, elegantly presented infographic, which was almost certainly the proud cornerstone of a presentation. Popplet has a set of formatting tools to visually enhance whatever you’re working on. It also comes with a number of presentation options: Presentation Modes 1 & 2, and Popplet Linker. One more thing, if you really want others to view the work you share in Public Popplets uses good titles: Say what it’s about, make it catchy if you can, like Saanvi did.  Best not to name it after yourself as in “Mary’s Popplet”, unless your teacher tells you to of course!

Digital Citizenship – Demonstrating Learning

Informative visuals such as Digital Citizenship above, by Abbie, usually result from well-executed lessons. When teaching, a good way to ensure that learners are retaining information is to have them demonstrate their learning. Asking students to create a popplet about a topic is a very productive way for students to reinforce their knowledge of a subject and for educators to assess the effectiveness of their methods. Creating Popplets is more than just memory work, students employ different mental, creative and physical resources than when more traditional methods are employed. The net result is a deeper understanding and an increase in their potential for information retention. Possibly more Important is the fact that working with Popplet is definitely the type of schoolwork students really love doing, especially younger learners. Popplets can be done in class, or as homework assignments. Students can also work together on the same popplet – in real time if necessary.

If you already have a Popplet account, and you are looking for ideas, go and check out Public Popplets. If you don’t, sign up for an account now and receive ten Popplet boards and start creating.

Popplet Lite is a free app available for iOS devices. The full version of the Popplet app syncs seamlessly with your web account so that you can access your work on all of your devices.

For more ideas and inspiration or to share with the Popplet community, check us out on Twitter, and on Facebook.

*If you are going to republish work from Public Popplets, ensure the author has followed the appropriate copyright regulations for republishing images and if you find something inappropriate let us know by clicking the report inappropriate content button in the top right-hand corner of the page: Also, a popplet’s author can adjust a popplet’s privacy settings at any time, and anything you use might become unviewable. 

Also, a popplet’s author can adjust a popplet’s privacy settings at any time, and anything you republish from Public Popplets could become unviewable.