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Public Popplets: Ten Of The Best Popplets Of All Time

If you are searching for ideas or inspiration for your own work, or you want to see what type of results Popplet can produce then check out Public Popplets.

Public Popplets is available to anyone who has signed up for a free Popplet account on the Popplet homepage. It is where people who use Popplet choose to share their work openly, allowing others to access it and make use of it.

Let’s take a quick look at what Popplet users have been sharing. Multiple languages, the global nature of Popple, and the sheer scope of the subject matter meant we had no problem at all in bringing together ten of the best Popplet ideas.

Taking Care of Myself

How can I take care of myself? Asked and answered in this great popplet from Brooke. Color-coded, cool images, pertinent information, video…it speaks for itself!

Types of Reactions – Science

This is one for the scientists and has been one of the most viewed popplets of all time! A clear, concise explanation of types of chemical reactions. Simple visuals, video, and free of wordy explanations – science and Popplet are all about observation.

Air and Weather

Everybody is interested in the weather. Even in places where the climate stays more or less constant the whole year round, folks watch, read about, or listen to weather reports. Of course, for many things, knowing weather conditions is essential: sailing, flying, going on holiday…but wouldn’t it be interesting to know more?

Festivals in Poland: An Annual Cultural Timeline

Popplet boards contain all sorts of information, organized in many different ways. This hugely popular record of Poland’s annual festivals is presented timeline fashion, a format normally reserved for history popplets. But here we have it – a whole year of culture on a single popplet. An easily adaptable activity for any country or region.

Parlez-vous français? – Languages

“verbo-tonale: tableaux de base” is an exploration of French pronunciation. It appears complex. However, for students and teachers of the French language, it is a highly useful resource…and what a resource it is. It makes use of links to direct viewers to websites of interest. It also makes use of popplet’s very own library/filing system Popplet Linker. Look closely and you will see the linked popples above the center image. Each of these popples is a link to another piece of this grand work.

Lesson Plan: -ed Endings

Here we have a popplet that demonstrates how a lesson plan can be visualized and executed. Educators often use Popplet to plan their lessons. This ESL / TESOL lesson for English learners will hopefully illuminate one of the many baffling aspects of the English language that learners encounter – the pronunciation of “ed” at the end of some verbs and adjectives. Easily adaptable for any lesson, or any plan whatsoever.

Agujeros Negros (Black Holes)

Despite its three, possibly even multi-dimensional nature, the Universe and the study of heavenly bodies remain a firm favorite for Popplet users. It’s difficult to imagine the size of the universe, and some of the science can sometimes seem a bit beyond the capacity of us mere mortals. Take black holes for example: what is a black hole really? If you’re feeling mystified, this excellent visual on the matter will definitely help. Some subjects just need to be visualized, and that’s what Popplet does best.

Personajes Frankenstein (Frankenstein: Characters)

Popplet finds many uses in literacy, especially in learning. There are a great many activities, mostly covering core curriculum goals for all ages. Character analysis is just one literary popplet activity. This Frankenstein character study, which provides portraits and information about all the primary and secondary players in Mary Shelley’s classic tale of a man’s attempts to control nature, is as fine an example as we have seen. It’s also been viewed and shared numerous times.

Province of Quebec

Geography and History combine is this detailed presentation of the economic, social, cultural, and territorial aspects which formed this well-known and highly respected region of Canada. Amazing attention to detail, the inclusion of excellent visuals as images, and top-notch organization make for a compelling and popular visual.

Las Plantas (Plants)

This beautiful popplet,  detailing so elegantly and simply the lifecycle, morphology and other aspects of plant life has been republished many, many times. Its use of clear diagrams and videos make it an excellent learning resource. Click, see, grow!

When a popplet has been shared in Public Popplets it is available for all to benefit from. Share directly from Public Popplets to social media as well as links in messages and emails. With Popplet’s embed code any popplet can be added to blogs and web pages – some popplets are very popular and can help drive traffic to your page.

To access even more popplet work, or to share your own popplets join the Popplet community on Twitter and on our Facebook page.