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Popplet People: Popplet Behind the Scenes at SXSW!

At its core, Popplet is an app all about interactions. Our web-based and iPad/iPhone apps help you interact with ideas and concepts, interact with content (videos, images, text and links), and to interact with work colleagues, clients, fellow students and team mates via our collaboration and share features.

So it is little wonder that our app has caught the eye of the premiere interaction festival, South by Southwest (SXSW). SXSW is an annual festival held in Austin, Texas each year to celebrate and showcase current trends in creativity, innovation and inspiration.

Covering SXSW in 2014 for Forbes, business journalist Lawton Ursrey wrote:

“Not only is it one of the greatest annual gatherings of leading thinkers in digital, music, and film, it’s a concentrated learning experience at all levels. With so many intriguing individuals and genius ideas, I wanted to cram in as much as I could. Each second of my day was booked with sessions on a wide variety of topics.”

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One of the key leaders who helps make this happen each year is Hugh Forrest. Hugh is Director of the SXSW Interactive Festival component, which in 2015 will be held from March 13 to March 17. SXSW Interactive has become a key event for many industries curious to see what is on the horizon and what ideas and technologies are beginning to shape our world.

We first noticed that Hugh uses Popplet when he tweeted a support question. By the time we reached out to him on Twitter, he had already spoken with our support team (remember, the fastest way to get a response if you have a tech support question, is to email us):

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Preparations for SXSW Interactive 2015 are already well under way and one of the key tools that Hugh uses to help him manage the program is Popplet. We asked Hugh to share some thoughts about how he uses Popplet:

“We are currently trying to do a little bit of restructuring of the SXSW Interactive Festival staff. The Popplet app has been very helpful to create quick flow charts and organizational diagrams. It offers much more flexibility and speed with this app versus various other solutions I have used in the past.”

By using Popplet, Hugh’s team is on track for creating another exciting, engaging, and inclusive calendar of events for the next SXSW!

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How do you use Popplet? If you would like to be featured in Popplet People profiles, please contact us via Twitter or Facebook.