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A Day In The Life of Popplet

We’re always proud to see new user-generated content about Popplet. Around the world, it is exciting to see how students, creatives, businesses and community leaders are all using Popplet to share ideas and connect with others.

Let’s look at just one day’s worth of user-generated activity: 23 April, 2013. Just an ordinary day? Not amongst the Popplet community! Let’s take a look at all that happened last Tuesday in the world of Popplet…

3:06 am: The Power of Popplet

April 23 was starting up in Sydney, Australia while it was still April 22 in the northern hemisphere. But already, Popplet was being whispered about in the dawn’s early light. Teacher and librarian Dianne Laycock updated her blog Dialog: A Site for Serious Play with a post about her thoughts on how teachers could use Popplet in the classroom. She even gives a shoutout to this blog!

9:18 am: Popplet TV: from Prehistory to the Present

In Spain, budding film-maker Esther Montes Garcia (perhaps best known amongst her classmates for her groundbreaking interview with Albert Einstein) was posting a video of her latest science project presentation – a Popplet about prehistory and antiquity – to youtube. Using screencast-o-matic, Esther walks her audience through her Popplet, which summarizes life in Spain from the Paleolithic period to 400 AD.

10.30 am: Time to debate!

By mid-morning somewhere in the US (?), Nick Indrieri and Kate Baker were showing they could debate from any point of view for Mrs Baker’s English class, with the tough assignment of having to argue for capital punishment. (We know Popplet is used around the world to create an English lesson plan for all grade levels.) These students were able to map out their arguments and create a logical flow to their debate reasoning by using Popplet. We might not agree with what they said, but we will defend their right to using Popplet to organize what to say! As the students would no doubt agree, it’s all in the name of edu-muh-cation.

12.39 pm: Things get weird

Due to the rate at which her site is being indexed, blogger Julia Spencer’s post from April 12 finally got catalogued by the Google machine, and we were all invited to take a journey to weird. Artist Julia’s loving husband introduced her to Popplet. He uses Popplet for his business as “it helps him flow throughout the day”. Julia – like many in the Poppleteer community – tends to forget about Popplet until, as she says, “I feel my life is spinning out of control. Like the idea funnel is getting too big for me to process and I’m getting lost in the hugeness of all the possible projects I can get involved in.” In her blog post, Julia gives us an insight into her life using Popplet to describe her weirdness.

day in the life

2.22 pm: Presidential Popplets

At Bridge Point Elementary, Mrs Mills’ second graders were quietly at work, creating popplets based on their presidential research project. The previous day, the education technology department had visited to introduce the class to Popplet: “This is a great way to empower a student to be the teacher and role model for the class. Students did their research on their iPad, used a guiding worksheet to collect their information, and added Popples of information about their President. They really loved finding pictures to add relevant visuals to their facts.”

a day in the life 4

4.39 pm: #Edtech

Across the twittersphere, education technology leaders shared ideas about their favorite resources. We saw a handful of tweets from educators like @ContentLiteracy @NatalieSinclair @GemmaHarvey73 and @THEJamesRowland all recommending Popplet for use with students of all ages and independent learners. For teachers new to Popplet, @MrsStoj recommended this youtube tutorial by Mike Oberdick.

We were also pleased to be singled out by the University of Wisconsin’s Learning and Support Services who tweeted about us to their followers for their #AppTuesday announcements.

7.04 pm: Dreaming of holidays

With the work and school day over, it was time to use Popplet on life goals outside of the working day. In the Philippines, Arren Sultan was planning his vacations for the next year by mapping all the places he wants to visit in a Popplet…

(We also posted this to our Facebook page.)

11.13 pm: Time for tea

day in the life 3

What a day! Time for a cup of tea and bed. We hear Owen Jenner makes a great cup of tea, and he has even promised a popplet about the different types you can make 😉

We love the user-generated content everyone is creating and sharing. From Public Popplets to blog posts, videos, and tweet mentions, it keeps us and the Popplet community inspired. Please share more of your Popplet-inspired creations with us on our Facebook page, by Twitter and via the Public Popplets feature.