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text heavy popplets

Adding Text Heavy Documents to a Popplet: Two Minute Tutorial

We are always excited by the myriad of ways that people use Popplet. For hobbies and personal interests, for education and classroom learning and for creative projects and business, Popplet is the go-to app for brainstorming, organizing ideas, outlining concepts and thinking visually. This is great for “thinking out loud” on projects that require you …

Adding Text Heavy Documents to a Popplet: Two Minute Tutorial Read More »

gamification popplet

Gamification, Meetup Note-Taking and Why Toronto is Fertile Start-Up Territory: An Interview with Mark Reale

Mark Reale is the Community and Culture Partner at Canadian tech company BNOTIONS, and has been using Popplet to organize his ideas, map brainstorming activities, and present at conferences since 2010. BNOTIONS is at the center of the Toronto start-up scene, releasing an ongoing schedule of mobile and app products. Despite the hectic nature of …

Gamification, Meetup Note-Taking and Why Toronto is Fertile Start-Up Territory: An Interview with Mark Reale Read More »

Find the A-Ha Moment! Genius Hour with Popplet

Popplet is playing a central role in the new global productivity movement, “Genius Hour”. Coined by a credit union manager Jen Shefner, and popularized by productivity guru Dan Pink, Genius Hour is about freeing up a regularly scheduled block of time each week for students, employees, entrepreneurs and creative professionals to follow their own interests, …

Find the A-Ha Moment! Genius Hour with Popplet Read More »

day in the life

A Day In The Life of Popplet

We’re always proud to see new user-generated content about Popplet. Around the world, it is exciting to see how students, creatives, businesses and community leaders are all using Popplet to share ideas and connect with others. Let’s look at just one day’s worth of user-generated activity: 23 April, 2013. Just an ordinary day? Not amongst …

A Day In The Life of Popplet Read More »