return to the popple


A Popplet Visual Book Study

Never has there been a more important time for the creative use of educational technology. With so many questions about how and when school will happen this fall, keeping your tech simple and clear can be helpful in planning activities for in-person or remote work. Books remain the richest source of material literacy teachers have …

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How to Popplet Word Families

The form that education will take in the near future is deeply uncertain. Fortunately, there is one thing that is certain: the learning will continue. If you’re acquainted with Popplet then you already know that something magical happens when it’s touched by tiny fingers. Popplet is super-intuitive and easy-to-use; kids love it. Don’t worry if …

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Student Popplet Prep: Essay Writing

I have been assigned to read Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates and write an essay reflecting on his work for my AP Language class. Coates’ book, written as a letter to his son Samori, reflects on complex topics regarding racial injustices in the United States. There are multiple themes woven in the …

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Student Perspective

Student Perspective: Ways to Avoid Summer Slide with Popplet

As debates continue over how schools will be reopening this fall, students are gearing up for a new school year full of unknowns. But what they do know for sure is that August is a good time to review class notes to avoid any summer slide. Mind maps are often overlooked as a fun way …

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Back to School

Back to School with Popplet: Getting to Know Your Classmates

In some parts of the world, the new school year is set to begin. Whether your classroom is virtual or you’ll actually be attending school chances are students will be meeting some or all of their study partners for the first time. As most teachers know, this unavoidable and sometimes awkward moment can easily be …

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Vietnamese Food

Show Us Your Popplets!

There are so many things to love about Popplet’s popplets, but our favorite is the infinite (literally, infinite!) ways Poppleteers show what they think, and how they think it. A single topic can be visualized a hundred different ways, whether it’s kindergarteners exploring the colors of the rainbow, DJs building a relational “If you like …

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New Popplet! No Flash!

Come try out a preview of the new Popplet in HTML5 (no Flash necessary, yay!). We’ve been working hard to bring you a more dependable non-flash version of Popplet, one with no more hassles or plug-ins. We’re excited to help you to organize your ideas on more browsers, including Chrome! Input from you – yes, you! – …

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How to Mindmap People: Popplet Biographies

Whatever the subject there will always be that someone, who when we take a closer look at them, will deepen our knowledge. For example, think Eddison – think lightbulb, think Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  – think equality and justice, think George Orwell – think Big Bother Is Watching You! In fact for some learners, …

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