return to the popple

Popplet Twitter

Some Very Cool Popplet Ideas and Where to Find Them

We don’t just find Popplets lying around on the floor you know! However, due to the absolute deluge of Popplet creativity out there online, popplets are pretty much digitally ubiquitous – just not on the floor!  If you have never seen a Popplet (unlikely) there’s one above. If you are in need of inspiration …

Some Very Cool Popplet Ideas and Where to Find Them Read More »

App Smashing With Popplet

Educators and learners can achieve a lot using a mind mapping tool like Popplet. Popplet’s easy-to-use interface and its powerful features allow Popplet users to immediately capture their thoughts in several different ways. They can then organize and share this information using Popplet’s powerful editing and collaborating tools. Having so many features, an indefinable age …

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Popplet People on Twitter – More Great Popplet Ideas

Popplets can be found anywhere on the planet. We have proof: when Popplet has issues (everyone has issues sometimes), we are quickly able to resolve them because Popplet people let us know about them in multiple languages. Popplet’s ubiquitousness is known to us for other more positive reasons of course, one of which is Popplet’s …

Popplet People on Twitter – More Great Popplet Ideas Read More »