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Top of the Popplets! – June 2016

Welcome to the June edition of Top of the Popplets! With the traditional summer holidays almost upon us, June has seen a feverish flurry of quality pre-vacation Popplet work: Superheroes, Coral Reefs, Engineering, and New Digital Technologies are just a small sampling of what subjects scored highly in the Popplet popularity stakes this month. Superheroes

Popplet Formatting Techniques: 3. The Grid Layout

Welcome to Popplet Formatting Techniques, the place to be if you are interested in learning the art of efficient and elegant popplet creation.  The series so far… Selecting Popples and Multiple Actions: Learn how to copy and paste a single popple or dozens of popples, and perform editing and formatting actions such as changing text size …

Popplet Formatting Techniques: 3. The Grid Layout Read More »

Popplet Formatting Techniques: 2. Getting Organized With Popple Stacks

Popplet is efficient, fun and simple to use. So simple, and so much fun that before you know it, even the best intentioned of popplet boards can quickly become cluttered and a little unmanageable. And as the fun of adding more and more information takes hold, popples might just start to get  a touch unruly. …

Popplet Formatting Techniques: 2. Getting Organized With Popple Stacks Read More »

Popplet Formatting Techniques: 1. Selecting Popples & Bulk Actions

Popplet is the perfect tool for visualizing ideas, processes and information and its intuitive and friendly interface means that impressive and valuable work product can often be instantly created. There are also times when a Popplet’s visual impact and effectiveness can be improved by applying formatting techniques: For increased clarification and simplification of ideas Presentations …

Popplet Formatting Techniques: 1. Selecting Popples & Bulk Actions Read More »

Ten Great Ways to Use Popplet in the Kindergarten Classroom

Popplet is just perfect for the curious young hands and minds of Kindergarten students. With its highly intuitive and simple interface, thoughts and ideas are easily transferred, visualised and mapped using colors, images, text and drawings: A humble canvas for the limitless potential of our youngest users, who never fail to amaze us. One reason …

Ten Great Ways to Use Popplet in the Kindergarten Classroom Read More »