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Learning to Read: Popplet in the Reading Classroom

Learning to read is not something that everyone fully remembers. For those who do recall, memories range from the forgettably nondescript, to the gloriously inspirational to the harrowingly painful. However memorable our early reading days are, one thing is certain: those early lessons in deciphering meaning from symbols are the beginning of one of life’s most impactful …

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Eight Examples of Popplet in the Biology Classroom

There is definitely something cellular in nature about the humble popple – the irreducible building block of all the Popplets ever created. Cellular not only in shape, a single popple also mirrors its organic counterpart in that it contains the vital information necessary – text, images, video –  for the formation of things far greater than …

Eight Examples of Popplet in the Biology Classroom Read More »

Public Popplet of the Month: September 2015

September brings our second instalment of our popular new series Public Popplet of the Month. Every week, we raid the valuable resource that is Public Popplets, selecting the most exciting examples of your Popplet work – which can also be viewed on Twitter.  At the end of every month, we draw your best work together in one easy to …

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People Who Love Music Love Popplet

From time immemorial the People Of The World have been been Lost In Music. Be it the primal powerful drumming of our ancestors or the sophisticated orchestral opus, music has the power to cross every cultural, linguistic and geographical divide.   Considering the immeasurable impact music has on our lives, a closer inspection of Popplet’s special relationship …

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Two Minute Tutorial: Collaborating with Popplet Comments

Popplet Comments lets you add extra information in text form to individual popples, storing this information discretely behind the main popplet board and adding a whole new dimension to your collaborative work. Like all things Popplet, this feature is simple and powerful. It is also remarkably versatile and can be advantageously employed in many different …

Two Minute Tutorial: Collaborating with Popplet Comments Read More »

A Feast of Friends: 7 Apps We Love to Use With Popplet

No app is an island, especially in the classroom. Combining apps — in activities like app smashing, or in the natural course of classwork — can increase skills development and better aid subject understanding. Every great app is great because it does one or two things really well, but what makes an app really great is its capacity …

A Feast of Friends: 7 Apps We Love to Use With Popplet Read More »