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English Lesson Plan Ideas With Popplet

Get some tips on English lesson plans from other teachers using Popplet in the classroom

Our education survey this year revealed that the majority of teachers using Popplet in school make use of our app in their English classes. Some 56% of respondents use Popplet to enhance English class activities with their students.

If you are looking for ideas for English lesson plans with Popplet, here’s some activity suggestions that teachers around the world have been using with their students of all ages.

English lesson plans for kinder/early childhood ages

Kinderchat teacher leader Matt Gomez has shared how he uses Popplet to help very young students gain English language acquisition skills, including understanding word sounds, and creating word webs that show the connection between words and images around a common theme. His blog details the English lesson plan he has been successfully – and respectfully – used with his classes.

Mrs Walsh uses Popplet to help her young students map out the plotline of their class reading, here’show they showed the flow of the story “Owl Babies”:
English lesson plan with primary school students

In Argentina, Miss Iberia Denegri uses Popplet with her 2nd and 3rd form English classes. Here, she demonstrates with her class the value of studying English and its impact around the world: English lesson plan popplet

In Australia, students shared what they had learn about characters in the book “The One and Only Ivan” by preparing popplets in groups to write about the story characters.

In New Zealand, Popplet is used at the Tamaki Primary (Elementary) school to encourage students to build their vocabulary and share their understanding of what words mean in any given topic. Here, Leslei shares the words she has learnt that descibe aspects of environmental care .

Meanwhile, Lanni Luce West shares her English lesson plans in which students used Popplet to document their understanding of story characters and used adjectives to describe the characters they were getting to know in the book.

“Needless to say, the students had a blast! They quickly learned how to manipulate the popples, change color, add text, draw, and arrange their thinking in an orderly fashion. All the while, they were learning and being asked to do some deeper learning. They didn’t complain once. In fact, a number of students commented how much fun they were having. “, Ms West reflected on the use of Popplet as a classroom study aid.

English lesson plans with teens

Industry expert Helen Caldwell uses Popplet to encourage students to plan short stories in various genres:

Using Popplet for Literacy lessons from helen caldwell on Vimeo.

In Mrs Wagstaff’s Timberline library, students were encouraged to create Popplets to showcase their favorite authors, like Megan did to share her interest in author Richard Paul Evans:

English lesson plans with college students

The Newbridge College English Department uses Popplet to design revision activities for students studying literary works. This year, students are reading The Great Gatsby. This popplet was created with a series of embedded videos to guide students through revision questions and foster a deeper comprehension of the plot and characters of this classic American novel.

Popplet was used as a study and note-taking aide throughout the class reading of the novel, with activities set to use Popplet to collate a student’s understanding of particular characters in the novel:

Perhaps one of the most advanced English lesson plans documented is available on the outstanding resource educatorstudio. We encourage teachers to consider sharing their structured Popplet classroom activities on this brilliant and detailed teacher network for lesson planning. Catherine Jackson has gone to considerable detail to share lesson files, assessment suggestions, steo-by-step procedures, and guidelines for student collaborative activities. Thoughtful teachers have added comments on their use of the lesson plan in subsequent classes. The topic? Using popplet to demonstrate critical analysis of a non-literary text’s major themes and tones. This English Lesson Plan with Popplet is aimed at middle and high school syudents of 6th and 7th grade.

It is wonderful to see so many teachers around the world taking to using Popplet to create engaging, fun and educative English lesson plans with their students. Popplet is an app that students immediately appreciate the value of using, here’s some recent comments from Mrs Malsky’s students after assessing the power of Popplet as a study tool:

If you are writing a paper for English you can use this website to create an outline. Hayley Reilly

You could make an outline for an essay you could be writing – Zack Scerine

The website is very useful. The user can organize pictures, organize an outline to your essay, or even to make some basic scrap booking ideas. It could be used in english, history, yearbook, or really any class. – Britt Crawford

We can use it to put all of our ideas for an essay together -Tyler Mason

Vote for which subject lesson plans we should cover in a future Poppletrocks blog post, or if you a a student or independent learner, tell us a little about how you maintain your a study program using Popplet with other online or mobile apps.

In the meantime, feel free to share your lesson plan examples on our Facebook page, or leave us a comment if you would like to share your reflections on how effective using Popplet is for your teaching or learning.

2 thoughts on “English Lesson Plan Ideas With Popplet”

  1. Pingback: English Lesson Plan Ideas With Popplet | Popple...

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