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Get Inspired: Popplet Examples To Get Your Brain Jucies Flowing!

Get inspired to create visual thinking maps and concept outlines that help you remember new information, make connections between ideas, and share your thoughts and unique perspective.

This year, we have some great new features planned, including tagging popplets to help you better store your popplet creations with key words and subject categories. We are also looking forward to offering you a new way to share your popplets with the world, with new popularity rankings of public popplets.

While we put the finishing touches on these features, you can get inspired to create new mind maps and concept outlines with our online, iPad, iPhone and iPod apps by viewing some Popplet examples on our new Pinterest account.

We admit, we have been a bit slow to jump on the Pinterest bus. It is a great tool for sharing images, but we love how a publicly shared Popplet is interactive and lets you move around it, zoom in and out, play videos and jump to links. We were worried that none of that interactivity is available through Pinterest.

But on the other hand, we know many of our users are on Pinterest, and sometimes, you want to get inspired by seeing other Popplet examples and learn from how they have been laid out, color coded, and organized. You might not be so fussed about the actual content, so you don’t need to move about so much or click on and watch a youtube video: what you want to get inspired by is the overall organization and mind map design. Well, if that’s the case, our set of Pinterest boards are ideal mind fodder for you!

So far, we have started with three Pinterest boards:

For example, we rushed to add this amazing Popplet by Jon Martlew to our Popplet for Education and Popplet for Designers boards. It shows the full design course syllabus for Year 12 students of UK’s Design and Technology class at Cardiff High School but it also makes an excellent concept map and knowledge base for any designer who needs to brush up on their theory.

We’ll be adding more popplet examples daily to Pinterest to help keep your inspiration juices flowing all through 2013!

If you share a popplet publicly, please tweet about it so we notice it. We’ll rewteet your share with our twitter followers and add it to our Pinterest boards. We select some of the best popplet examples to use as blog headers on this site and we keep our Facebook page updated with news of the latest popplets that have inspired us.

We will be announcing some great news about how to see which public popplets are the most popular soon! Subscribe to this blog to be kept up to date with new feature releases.

If you use Pinterest, you can follow us at to be alerted to new Popplet examples as we add them. Make 2013 the year you get inspired every day with Popplet!

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