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Getting Website Traffic To Your Site With Popplet: Tip #1 – Hashtags

Recent internet forums have discussed using Popplet as a way of getting website traffic to your site. Two recent examples:

  • The internet marketing podcast, Win the Web, discussed Popplet in their ‘Toolshed’ segment
  • On Hubpages, Luis305 asked:

    “Have you used Popplet for getting website traffic?”

For creative professionals and other businesses wanting to draw in new readers with interesting and engaging content, Popplet can be used as a way of getting website traffic to your site. Over the coming weeks, we will share some tips and techniques for using Popplet as a website traffic generator. Today, we look at how to combine using Popplet and Twitter to bring in new readers to your website.

Getting Website Traffic to Your Site with Popplet: Step by step

1. Prepare your creative Popplet. You might be showing off your portfolio, providing insight into the creative process you use when working up a new idea, visualizing the connection of ideas and concepts that you will be discussing in a blog post, or documenting research notes for a new enterprise.

2. Make sure you include a popple with a URL link. This link should take visitors back to your website or to the target webpage you are focusing on for getting website traffic to visit.

3. Now make your Popplet public by clicking the share button. Select “Post it on Twitter”. You will be redirected to Twitter where you can log in and share your Popplet creation.

4. Prepare your tweets. We make it easier for you to share your popplet link by auto-completing yourt tweet with: “Check out this Popplet!:”. Don’t tweet this just yet!

5. Personalize your tweet message to the audience you think is most interested. You can add hashtags to your tweet to make it more relevant to an audience searching for key terms in your subject area or profession. For example, we will tweet about this popplet and blog using the hashtags #internetmarketing and #webmarketing, as well as using the term “site traffic” in at least one tweet.

6. Always include the Popplet link! Remember, you will be using the Popplet as a visually enticing ay to get readers to build their interest before they click through to your website. To make more room in your tweet message, you can use a shortlink service like bitly to replace the link with a shorter reference. We used the shortlink for the popplet related to this blog post, for example.

Additional notes

  • You can use a site like Topsy to research which hashtags are most frequently used in twitter and which ones are suited to your discussion topic.
  • If you have used youtube videos, online images or URL links you can thank their related twitter accounts and mention they are included in your Popplet. You might find these accounts retweet your mention, this will expose your link to the audience of your influencers, widening the number of people who may click on the site link in your popplet.
  • Review your analytics. After you have promoted your popplet on twitter using hashtags, you can review how successful this technique has been by looking at your website analytics. Did you see a traffic bump from curious readers who had looked at your popplet and clicked on your site link? Let us know how well your experiments are going at getting website traffic from Popplet!

Applying this technique to schools

  • If you are a teacher, librarian or ICT co-ordinator, you can use this technique to share education ideas with other colleagues by including a hashtag that describes the class subject, for eg. #ESL.
  • If you think your use of Popplet would be valuable for anyone interested in using apps in the classroom, we encourage you to use the hashtag #edtech and #ipaded.
  • Perhaps you want to encourage a community network amongst educators who use Popplet? Let’s start the hashtag #poppleted. It may be helpful to add #poppleted along with a hashtag for your class subject or mention the age range of students so other educators can scan what examples may be helpful for them to review. (Don’t forget you can also share your experiences on our Facebook page and help us build a community of educators sharing ideas about using Popplet in schools.)

We have more tips for getting website traffic using Popplet. Subscribe to our blog for fresh ideas and new techniques for making the most of your visual thinking and collaborative ideas tool, Popplet!

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