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Popping Around the World! The Globalization of Popplet

We at Popplet central have been excited to see the growth of Popplet around the world, as more creatives, educators, business users and students discover our online and iPad/iPhone/iPod app.

In the past month, Popplet has been used in 164 countries around the globe! Here’s a look at where people are using Popplet right now:


You can get an even greater sense of the diverse ways Popplet is used around the world by having a look at our Public Popplets.

As Poppleteer Matt M points out, the world is becoming smaller, more interconnected, and more affected by international actions and influences. This globalization can be a creative and liberating force, as well as a destructive one.

Matt describes different types of globalization. Let’s look at how these types of globalization are reflected in the ways people use Popplet around the world.

Sociological globalization

According to Matt, sociological globalization refers to:
“the belief that we are members of a single, world society that has become more significant than distinct national and cultural societies”.

In the online world, we are becoming part of a global digital citizenry, even if this is not being reflected in our bordered world of nations and states.

David A and Kellie D discuss what it means to be a member of this digital citizenry in their public popplets:

Cultural globalization

Many fear that the impact of globalization will be that our diverse cultures and languages will be diluted as a pop cultural “Americanization” of the world takes over. We like to think that globalization allows for a greater understanding and respect for local cultures, and for multiculturalism to influence and add color, texture, depth and diversity to the mainstream culture of any one place.

This is a struggle many independent and autonomous communities face every day. Catalunya (best known for its international city, Barcelona), in Northern Spain, for example, has a proud independent heritage that it seeks to maintain while also being an autonomous community state of Spain. This region has its own language and a rich folklore. We are excited to see how Popplet is being used in local Catalan schools to explore the depth of Catalan music culture. Music teacher Alicia S uses Popplet to work through various class topics in a sylluabus devoted to Catalan music:

Ecological globalization

There are legitimate worries that globalization is impacting negatively on our environments. Over recent years, our understanding of global impacts of climate change has grown. This requires massive change in all our behavior and thinking. We are delighted to see so many public popplets devoted to exploring science and solutions to environmental impacts. We recently shared some ways that poppleteers around the globe are using Popplet to explore issues of global hunger, food security and agricultural sustainability.

Geographical globalization

Matt describes this aspect of globalization as allowing “political, cultural, economic and other relationships existing among the network of world cities and the regions surrounding them.

Popplet is being used by travel planners, geography students and bloggers around the world to introduce cities and countries to a global audience. We hope readers become excited about new areas around the world through exploring popplets that connect ideas and content about the places we live in.

Technological globalization

This has obviously been a common theme amongst many public popplets. We are proud to have a large base of users working in education so naturally, we see lots of public popplets exploring the role of technology in the classroom.

Carol Ann M offers a Tech Tools inventory, and Anni describes using technology in the Finnish classroom.

How do you use Popplet in your part of the world? Share your popplets with us via our Public Popplets feature, or tweet us your popplet link or post it to our Facebook page.