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Popplet Named in Top 25 List of Best Websites for Teaching and Learning

We have been recognized as one of the best websites for teaching and learning in 2012 by the American Association of School Librarians. The award recognizes Popplet’s strength at managing and organizing ideas and sharing notes and concepts collaboratively both in the classroom and for independent study.

Best websites for teaching and learning 2012Announcing the winners, the American Association of School Librarians said: “The Best Websites for Teaching and Learning Award honors websites, tools, and resources of exceptional value to inquiry-based teaching and learning as embodied in the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner. The recognized websites foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover.” A full list of recognized websites is available on the AASL website.

“We are delighted and proud to receive this recognition from the United States’ leading professional association of school librarians,” said Popplet co-founder, Jared Schiffman.

“These educators work with students of all ages to encourage reading and comprehension, share research and note-taking skills, and explain how to structure ideas when preparing class reports and essays. They have seen first-hand how well students have taken to organizing their ideas and source materials by using Popplet and have worked with students to use this research collation to plan outlines and make new connections around a central concept or theme,” Mr Schiffman said.

Earlier this year, Popplet carried out a schools survey to identify how the web and mobile app can be better utilized as an education resource. This research confirmed that the app was used around the world at every stage of the education process: from teacher lesson planning, as an in-class activity aide, as a student resource for independent learning, and as a subject assessment tool. Students aged 12 – 24 studying in a cross-section of subjects including science, maths, art and literature, languages, and technical skills all made use of the Popplet online app. Increasingly, it is also used as part of a core set of apps loaded onto school iPads at the start of each school year. Full details of the survey will be released in July on the popplet blog, and have been used to inform subscription price-setting for use of the app in the education sector. Schools wanting more information can email us.

“We thank the American Association of School Librarians for honoring us with this award, and to all the teachers and students who have shared their experiences and successes in using Popplet as a learning tool,” said Mr Schiffman. “The whole Popplet team is proud of how our app has become an education tool, and we look forward to adding more features to extend its use in classrooms and for independent study.”

2 thoughts on “Popplet Named in Top 25 List of Best Websites for Teaching and Learning”

  1. i’m trying to get info. for my CRT, but when I emailed, it just came back saying it didn’t go through. i’d love more info for my school so we can get a subscription. thanks.

    1. Thanks Sarah for getting in touch. I’m not sure what happened with your email as our accounts are working. Try and keep your eyes peeled for our Back to School Blog Special Series in late August/early September!

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