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Some Very Cool Popplet Ideas and Where to Find Them

We don’t just find Popplets lying around on the floor you know! However, due to the absolute deluge of Popplet creativity out there online, popplets are pretty much digitally ubiquitous – just not on the floor!

If you have never seen a Popplet (unlikely) there’s one above. If you are in need of inspiration or if you are searching for ideas then there are plenty of places you can search.

Public Popplets

Public Popplets is a space where Popplet users from all over the world share their work. Hundreds of new popplets appear there every day. You can browse by the most recent or the most popular. Another cool thing is that if a popplet is available in Public Popplets, then it’s free for you to use, share, or even embed it on a website or blog post. Here’s one we found about the Stages of Reading Development:

To view Public Popplets all you need to do is sign up for a free Popplet account. You will even receive ten complimentary popplet boards to get you started.


Twitter is the place where most educators choose to share their students’ work. Since many educators use Popplet in their classes there is always a constant daily stream of ideas on this platform. If you don’t already have a Twitter account, you can set one up here. Once you’ve done that, be sure to follow Popplet @poppletny, that way you’ll be kept in the loop and have access to all the new ideas right away. Check out these recent tweets:


Another platform to find Popplet work is Facebook. Facebook is also our users’ preferred method of contacting us if they are experiencing issues; sometimes they just say “Hi!”, and tell us how much they enjoy using Popplet! Popplet on Facebook provides multilingual support and you can find us on Facebook here. Check out this Facebook post about Robotics.


Of course, you can use any search engine you prefer. We stick to Google Chrome because it’s the browser where Popplet works best. It’s good to have some idea of what you’re looking for here, and we find that this type of search is better done visually.

  • Begin by typing in your area of interest being sure to include the word “popplet”; in this case we are going to type in “popplet math”.
  • Use either the browser window or the search window – the results will be the same.
  • Next, take a look at the first few results, they may interest you.
  • When you’ve done that, click on “images” and you should see something like this:

  • Scroll around, refine your search if you need to, and choose the ideas you like.

A Few More Cool Ideas

First, we have the Lifecycle of a Frog from Gohar Hamo’s first-graders:

And these Year 3 students are working hard on their popplets about Egypt:

Finally, we have these World War 2 Timelines:

There are popplets about absolutely everything and you should certainly be able to find what you’re looking for from the above or at least get a good feel for what Popplet can do and how you might use it in your classroom or workplace. If you want to know more and haven’t done so yet sign up for a free Popplet account or follow Popplet on Twitter, or on our Facebook page. We hope to see you there soon.