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Top of the Popplets! – August 2016

Good, practical Popplet ideas have been the hallmark of August, and we have chosen the best of the bunch for this month’s roundup of inspiring Popplet ideas. Our favorite August popplets are The Mexican Revolution, Orchestra Instrument Families, Storytelling with Popplet, and Using Emojis. And if none of these popplets grab you, there are a lot more on our Twitter, and Facebook page, and in Public Popplets.


Storytelling With Popplet: The Fisherman and his Wife


The very first thing you have to do is click this seesaw link. Done that? – Ok. Now that we’re all on the same page, there really isn’t any need for me to explain just how awesome this storytelling popplet is. The Fisherman and his Wife; created by one of Miss Larnerd’s 2nd-graders breaks down easily into Characters, Setting, and Plot. Add to this mix some very cool drawings (you could try the Popplet Drawing Tool for these) uploaded as images, the text of the story, and last but not least an impressive narrator’s soundtrack – provided by the student of course – and the result is an impressive, creative audiovisual presentation. How much fun is this? Thank you so much for sharing.

Orchestra Instrument Families


How much do you know about orchestras? No matter! If you know a lot about a subject, as Elementary School Teacher, Devon Nelson clearly does about orchestras and musical instruments, then all that knowledge can be brought to life in a popplet. There’s not a topic under the sun which cannot be better understood by pouring it into a popplet.  Colors to classify, text, images, and videos all add up to a memorable and impacting visual record. Great for those who teach, and great for those who want to learn. Thanks, Devon.

La Revolución Mexicana (The Mexican Revolution)

From music to history – the transition is seamless for Popplet. Here we have La Revolución Mexicana (The Mexican Revolution), taken from Public Popplets, courtesy of Luis Miguel Espino Delgado. Popplet finds many uses in the history classroom as a graphic organizer building timelines with images, text, and video. Students can also collaborate on the same popplet either in the class or at home making popplet perfect for project work. And, if you’re proud of your popplet, you can sign it –  just like Luis Miguel did. Thank you, Luis Miguel.

Express Yourself with Emojis


Didn’t these use to be called emoticons? – never mind, now they are emojis, but whatever we choose to call them, they are irresistible and we love to use them: so why not use them in a popplet board? If you are using Popplet on an iPhone or iPad you can, it’s so simple we just never thought about it before! So a big thank you to the students of teacher Ashlee Bingel, who added a whole new dimension of expression to their work. These ultra-modern students were obviously enjoying learning the wonders of modern science, but there are emojis for pretty much everything these days.🙏🏽 Ms. Bingel for posting.

All’s well that ends well, and that’s it for this month. Do not suffer needlessly however, if you haven’t found what you were looking for here, be sure to check out Popplet’s Twitter, and Facebook pages. Better still, sign up for a Popplet account and view the hundreds of new Popplets posted in Public Popplets every day. You can also create your own popplets, and who knows, maybe you’ll see your work featured here one day.