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Top of the Popplets! – December 2015

Welcome to this year’s final instalment of Top of the Popplets! It may be the holiday season, but there has been no end to your fantastic Popplet ideas. We hope that you will be inspired and impressed by December’s offerings, and by all of the Popplets that have been featured in Top of the Popplets this year. We at Popplet have certainly enjoyed your work and your company. With this being the traditional time of the year for reflection on things past, and for contemplating on things future coupled with the forging of obligatory good intentions, we here at Popplet solemnly resolve to continue bringing you as many of your amazing Popplet ideas as possible in the coming year! For now,  from all of the Popplet team, we wish you a very happy and prosperous 2016! Thank you for all of your creative and insightful work. 

UK Floods (Dec 2015)

December 2015 has seen it’s fair share of bad weather and this has been captured in UK Floods (Dec 2015), created by students from Framingham Earl High School’s (Norwich, UK) award-winning Geography department. This Popplet makes good use of color and text to give a current, relevant and clear account of a recent UK weather incident. Additional information, analysis and news reports are useful, informative additions. There has been a lot more bad weather both in the UK, and other parts of the world this Christmas – we look forward to further reports! Thank you FEHS Geography Dept.

POPPLET TIP: Videos can be added directly to Popplet, learn about it here: Popplet Video.

Autoinstrucciones (Self-instructions)

Autoinstrucciónes is a very simple powerful graphic from Eduland, a new Spanish online community “dedicated to innovation in education”. It provides a clear set of instructions on how to deal with things life may throw at you: Listen, Think, Decide, Act and Review. Each instruction in well illustrated, and there is even a video (Spanish) of the full presentation. A great example of Popplet versatility: planning, presenting, summarizing, revising and assessing. Autoinstrucciónes could be an example of all of these things. Gracias Eduland!

POPPLET TIP: Use Popplet Presentation mode when you need to present your work to colleagues or students.

Working on our literacy skills
Working on our literacy skills

As you can see, Working on our literacy skills is a wonderfully simple Popplet created by Alex, one of Miss Bailey’s kindergarten students. Well chosen clipart, small words, manageable relevant concepts. Words, sounds and pictures, decoding the literary puzzle, learning to read and write – Popplet at it’s best! Thank you very much Alex.

The British Isles

This Popplet from Melissa really made us think:  Is it a geographical or political map? (it is both! ) Are there more Islands in the UK? Is the Republic of Ireland part of the British isles? (it is of course, as the Popplet tells us) What exactly is the UK, is there more to it than England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales? Using colors, flags and lists, this Popplet poses as many questions as it answers, and we love that. All in all a fantastic exercise that reveals knowledge, gaps in knowledge, and a thirst for more. Spectacular effort! Thanks Melissa!

POPPLET TIPS: Popplet can be used to reveal and showcase the extent of a student’s learning and is a very good way to keep a visual record of assessment.

Which one do you like the best? Are you impressed (and a little concerned) by the state of the British weather reported in FEHS’s UK Floods Dec 2015? Will you take the advice offered in Eduland’s Autoinstrucciónes? Does Working on our literacy skills say it all? Are you perplexed by the many questions and answers presented by The British Isles? What is your Top Popplet this month?

Enjoy more fine examples of Popplet work on Public Popplets. Cast your vote and share with us, and our community on Twitter and on our Facebook page.