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Top of the Popplets! – February 2016

Welcome to the round up of the best Popplets shared on our Twitter, Facebook and Public Popplet pages in the month of February. If you’re searching for ideas and inspiration, or if you just want to know what Popplet is all about, then this is the place to be.

Luke Skywalker’s Letter

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Not so long ago, in a galaxy not so far away (Wales!), a novice in Mr Tilley’s Primary School Classroom had an idea: “find the droid BB8 and save the the universe!”. In his quest to locate this loyal droid, a young classroom Jedi named Luke Skywalker gained intimate knowledge of the key features of the little known and almost long forgotten art of letter writing. Brandishing only The Force and Popplet, and under the instruction of Master Tilley, a beacon of hope for all the inhabitants of the Galaxy was created in the form of a popplet. This symbol will long serve as a fine example to those who wish to learn something of the old ways of communicating. May the force be with you young Luke, the citizens of Planet Popplet send you their gratitude.

POPPLET TIP: For more writing techniques, check out our previous article Everyone’s a Writer Now.

Spelling Words

As you can see, Spelling Words, posted by Matt in our Public Popplets section, delivers far more than its name suggests. It is in fact a most impressive, multileveled and extensive information source for literacy students. It takes as its starting point phonetic word endings (so simple!), then expands them into rich visual references by adding words, contextual sentences, images, video and even drawings. The result is a valuable learning tool, which can be adapted across subjects, and languages. Thanks for sharing Matt!

POPPLET TIP: Group similar popplets together using popplet linker to unclutter a popplet board, and give easy access to the popplets you need:

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Popplet Linker can be found in the cog menu.

Amazing Maps to Materials

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Not one, but three great popplets from the classroom of Chiara Bollattino, “Maestra di scuola primaria”, at the Istituto Dalla Chiesa in Rome. The world of materials is dissected into objects, substance and sensory properties, and all that information is brought together in this inspired demonstration of learning. Grazie Chiara!

POPPLET TIP: When you CAN use an image, USE an image. It’s simple and quick to add images to a popplet, just click upload things on the popple where you want the image to appear.

Opposite Pairs

Opposite Pairs

We certainly like to keep it simple at Popplet, and it doesn’t get much more simple than Opposite Pairs, from Kara Bunch’s Indiana kindergarten class. Not only a wealth of potential and possibility, it is also a beautifully elegant rendering of the concept of “opposites” – pure Popplet. Top marks! Thank you Kara, and your class.

That’s it for this month, and remember It isn’t necessary to travel to other galaxies to appreciate the best that Popplet has to offer, you can find more ideas and share with our community on Public PoppletsTwitter and on our Facebook page.