return to the popple

Top of The Popplets! – March 2016

With batteries charged and everyone well and truly back from the Easter break, it’s time to check out what’s been happening in Popplet world over the last four weeks. The month of March,  like every other month,  has witnessed generous and unrestrained sharing of quality popplets from the four corners of the globe. So spoiled for choice were we that heated discussions simmered, healthy debates raged: Precisely which amazing popplets – shared by the Popplet community on Twitter, Facebook Public Popplets… –  would be selected for this month’s very public viewing? From pirates to polygons, hippopotami to sloths, and a very professional Popplet presentation about cats, we bring you Top of the Popplets! – March 2016.

Piratas! (Pirates!)


Part fun, and part historical fact we have Pirates: a very colorful contribution to Public Popplets from Rachel. We say fun, because the identity of the female member of this jolly band of brigands – the “very attractive” Raquel from Veracruz, Mexico – isn’t a real pirate at all, but a fictional character. Raquel’s companions on the other hand are real pirates, and they really were a bit scary in their day. Realistic “likenesses” of the pirates themselves, maps of their origins and a few important details all combine to make this an attractive and interesting visual, which could easily be adapted to other areas of historical interest. Thank you Rachel.



Polygons was originally posted on Twitter by 3rd grade teacher Nadia Reese: students showing what they know about polygons, posted to Seesaw and shared with parents. Images of shapes – some known, others less so –  and with from 2 to 12 sides, displayed in separate popples along with a brief description of each. A great learning activity, and a handy reference for future work: you could even pin it on the wall! Thanks Nadia.

Compare and Contrast

Compare & Contrast TOTP

Comparing and Contrasting are skills most people rely on everyday to better analyse and appreciate information, and with more information out there that ever before there is increased emphasis on development in this area. Hippos and Sloths, posted on Twitter by 2nd grade teacher Heather Sloan, is a fine example of how comparing and contrasting skills can be applied visually using Popplet. An attractive infographic with animal images, making good use of colors to elegantly compare and contrast key facts. Thank you Nadia.

Big Cats and Little Cats

Big Cats n Little Cats

Big Cats and Little Cats is more than a Popplet, it’s a full Popplet presentation that compares and contrasts information about the feline species using images and text. Posted on Twitter by Mrs Kaden and Mrs Gordon of The Reading Room,  this appsmashing activity, using Movenote as well as Popplet, comes with a student video commentary. An awesome example of what can be achieved in an appsmash – great work! Thanks to The Reading Room.

Well, that’s it for this month. If you would like to see a lot more Popplets like the fine examples featured here , then pop on over to our Twitter and Facebook pages. To access Public Popplets, simply sign up free for a Popplet account and start creating and sharing your very own work with the Popplet community.