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Top Popplet! – What RIGHT Means To You

Welcome to Top Popplet! We choose one of our favorite popplets, say why we think it’s great, and share it here so that everyone can see just how great it really is. Our hope is that Popplet people everywhere will  be inspired to similar feats of popplet excellence.


The creative and industrious Popplet community are selfless in their efforts, sharing thousands of examples of their fine work every week. Numerous blogs, a multitude of Twitter and Facebook posts, and our very own Public Popplets section mean we are completely spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing Top Popplets. Nevertheless, choose we must, and this week we choose What RIGHT Means To You.

What RIGHT Means To You

What RIGHT means to you?  This is the big question being answered by our littlest of members in their marvelous Popplet of the same name. These international Kindergarteners – from Germany, Greece, Romania, Slovenia and Iceland – respond with elegance, intelligence and style, in words and pictures. Here’s why we think it’s awesome!



The exact origins of What RIGHT Means To You are not clear,  it was posted recently in Public Popplets. We can see the authors’ names, their class name and grade, and their countries. And as there are five nationalities present, we can safely say that this is a collaborative work of global proportions. Students don’t need to be in the same classroom to work together on a project, with Popplet’s collaboration features, they can share with each other wherever they are: in the classroom, at home, or the other side of the world.

Popplet Organization


Most Popplets benefit from a little formatting. What RIGHT Means To You is elegantly separated into the individual school contributions, and each school has chosen a color for their answer popples. Each human rights declaration is accompanied by wonderful images: colorful drawings and collages, created by the children themselves. You can learn more about formatting popplets in this series of tutorials.



In What RIGHT Means To You, the students have expressed themselves using images as well as text, carefully crafting their art to match their ideas. The added images in two ways:

  1. Create the artwork, and when it’s complete, take a photo and upload it to the corresponding popple. If you’re using Popplet on an iPad or iPhone, add images directly from the photo library on your device:



  1. Use the Popplet Drawing Tool to draw directly into a popple:


The results are impressive and these amazing images make What RIGHT Means To You very special: You can just imagine the children working tirelessly and joyfully on their art, and then seeing the work of their international classmates. Learn more about how to safely select and publish images in Popplet.

If you have created a Popplet that you’re proud of then don’t be shy. Share it with us here, or on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Could be you feel like you’d like to try and create a Top Popplet? Well, you can by signing up here for a free Popplet account.